Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heaven's Gates...

This week my brother's church "New Vision" has been putting on the powerful play "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames". I've seen this many, many times, but it has never been this powerful to me before. But the reason is, my family is in it. My brother Ron, Sister Sheila, Nieces Jessica-McKenna-Trinity, Nephews Zach-Ryan. Let me tell you, it takes on a whole new meaning seeing your family up there on stage. Sunday night I literally sobbed. Just to explain some of it to you...

One of the scenes is a dad, mom, daughter, son who are driving home from church and the son had just asked Jesus into his heart. And he asked about his other sister that had died when she was young. mom told him that she had asked Jesus into her heart too and that they were a complete Christian family. They run into a car (son and dad-I'll get to that in a moment). Anyway they make it to heaven and asks the Angel if their names are in the Book of Life. She smiles and points to the gates. Jesus comes out and before they walk up the stairs Jesus puts his hand out and the little girl that they had lost walks out with Jesus. This scene get me everytime because I think of my little niece Carissa that died when she was 1 year old. Well, this time it was even harder because the little girl that comes from heaven is my niece Trinity. She looked so cute and smiles so beautiful!

The dad-son scene I was talking about was so sad and I sobbed. The son asks the dad why they don't go to church. And the son tells his dad he wants to be just like him and that if his dad doesn't need church then neither does he. Well they wreck, go to heaven, and ask the angel about their names. The little boy starts to cry, which is my nephew Zach. The angel then says no and satan and the demons come and take them away and my nephew is screaming and crying. It was all I could do to not run up their on stage and take him to heaven myself.

Another scene was a girl and her mom shopping. The girl is a Christian and is trying to get her mom and dad to come with her to church. The mom says they don't have time and besides, mom is a good person. The mom promises that she will go to church with her next time. But they get hit by a car. They get to heaven and the little girl is scared and knows that her mom is not going to go to heaven. Pretty soon Satan comes to get the mom and the little girl is crying and trying to hang onto her mom. The little girl is left there crying and crying. Pretty soon Jesus comes down the stairs and holds the little girl while she cries and then holds her hand and they walk into heaven together. The little girl was played by my niece McKenna. Heart breaking.

My niece Jessica played a teenager who was in a car drinking with some of her buddies and they crash. They all think they can go to heaven because their parents are Christians and even one of their friends is a Pastor's son. But the angel looks up their names and does not find them so Satan comes to get them. She is screaming at the top of her lungs. Again, I wanted to go up there and punch satan and take Jessica to heaven.

Ron was in a really cute scene. He was a construction worker with another guy. He did so good and there was a lot of humor throughout the scene. Ron gave his heart to Jesus during the scene and made it to heaven. When the angel said his name was in the book, he did a little dance. It was priceless.

Sheila was in a elevator scene with a co-worker. She was not a believer and her friend was trying to witness to her. But Sheila told her that all church was full of was hypocrits. Anyway, they die and when the wake up at the gates of heaven Sheila asks her friend to pray with her right then to receive salvation, but her friend told her it was too late now. Her friend goes to heaven and Satan comes for her. It was so hard to watch. But the thing about Sheila, and those of you who know her can see this, she didn't go to hell easily. She pretty much sat down and made them drag her out and she yelled and screamed at them. That part got me tickled.

And Ryan was in the crowd at the beginning and then he was drinking and partying in another scene but thankfully he did not die in any scenes.

There have been so many people saved this week and it has been so wonderful. I went Sunday, Monday and then again tonight. Hopefully tonight I can get through it without crying loudly. But I can't help it. Anyway, after the service they have been going to the creek ( I know cold) and being baptised.

We've been taking Trinity and one time Zach too home with us. Trinity has been cracking us up. The other night Zach and I were bragging on her and what a good job she was doing smiling and she looked at us both so serious and said, "I'm only smiling for my bike". Apparently daddy told her that if she would smile and do her part like a big girl, he would buy her a bike. Well you should see that smile!

Also, during practice Trinity is suppose to come out and jump to her "dad" in the scene and yell "Daddy". So during practice she came out the gate and they told her what to do and she looked at the scene "dad" and says very seriously, "That's NOT my dad". She is so much fun.

Anyway, I'm sad that tonight is the last night for this wonderful play. But is has been wonderful and such a blessing.

I'll leave you with one question that they ask at the end of the performance...



  1. Sounds like it's very moving! What a great thing for your nieces and nephews to be involved in. It will always stay with them!

    I'm heaven bound, Sister! We'll spend eternity together worshiping our Saviour!

  2. Kayla, I was sobbing too, at the same scenes! They were soooo sad! When the dad and son had to go to hell, and then the mom went in the other scene and left her daughter, I just lost it! And I was thinking, what do those people feel like that are acting the parts and have to get sent to hell? I think it would be hard to do, even though you know it's not real. And Sheila, oh my, what a good actress! When she was pleading with the angels,the audience, and finally Jesus-WOW! I don't know how anybody could sit through that and not be affected!
    I am so glad I have been saved, and my name is in that book! And it's made me anxious to get more people in!
    Love Ya!
