Friday, July 24, 2009

Calf Business

I wanted to introduce you to the little guy that is taking up all my free time. His name is Hercules. We bought him from a sweet lady who was trying to bottle feed him because his momma died while giving birth to him. His name is Hercules and he is SO much fun.

He is part Charolais Bull and is so cute. We have just recently started letting him out of his pin to play. He just runs and bucks and really cuts a shine. I'm a little concerned that when he gets older, he may be better suited to be a bull in a rodeo. We'll have to see.

I've had a lot of fun with him. We did buy another bottle calf at the Ava Sale Barn while I was on vacation. She was a Holstein Heifer and we named her, "Ava". But she died on Monday due to many different sicknesses. We would get her better from one and she would get something else. It was sad. But we still have Hercules and he's going to be extra spoiled now.

Hopefully next Spring we can buy some more. I've had a LOT of fun with them. We have a lot of calves in our other field, but we can't get close enough to them to play because "Big Bertha" mommas don't seem to want us messing with their calf.

We are sure enjoying him!!