Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Out with the old...In with the new

 On September 13th (I think) our new home was set up.  We are VERY excited. 

This is a picture of our old 1967 home.  Goodbye!  I will (kind of) miss you.  Seriously though, I do have a lot of good memories in that old trailer.  But it was in really bad shape.  So bad, that the company who took it as a trade-in is actually giving it away!  ha!

 Here is our new 2010 being put in.  They are pretty quick about the whole take down and set up routine.  It seems like it all happened pretty quickly.
 This is where all of our junk...errrr....treasures were put until our new home was set up and ready to go.  Our friends were gracious enough to let us keep it for a couple of months. 
 My sweet husband had a shed out in front of our home that was, well, an eye sore.  So I asked him if he would take that one down and re-build it somewhere else.  He started the demolition process but never could finish it.  So my dad and brother Ron came over to help me pack up and move some things and asked what they could help with.  So they finished taking down the shed.  It looks SO much better with it out of there.  Cleaner!
 And this is the one he re-built.  I'm so glad he did that for me.  Now I'm asking for a privacy fence for our backyard.  Hopefully it will become a reality!
And here's our new home all set up and a good looking man at my front door.  I am SO BLESSED!

Next post will be the messy inside as we were trying to move things in.  Coming soon...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are so excited to be welcoming this beauty into our home in September.  We were hoping for a double wide, but that isn't what God had planned for us.  This is a 2011.  Much nicer than the 1967 we live in now!  ha!  It has 3 bedrooms, and 2 full baths.  I can't wait to move into it and start decorating.  Guess, I better start packing up our old trailer.  Nah, I work better under pressure.

Here is the kitchen.  I'm so excited about all the cabinet space.  I don't have any room in the one we are in now, so this excites me so much.  And, all the appliances come with it, so that will be fun.  I'm especially excited to have a dishwasher.  All the decorations and other furniture do not come with the house, but that ok, I've got all my decorations ready to go and themes ready for each of them.  I'm excited.

This little beauty is in the master bathroom.  I am looking forward to lighting some candles, laying on a bath pillow, adding some bubbles, and relaxing some evenings in this.  That is if Boyd will watch "Jonah" for me.  ha!

So here are my ideas for each of the rooms of our home...

Master Bedroom:  Log Cabin feel.  I'm trying to find a reasonably priced Cedar bed.  Bears, Antlers, Moose, etc.  Dark/Navy Blue and a Dark/Forrest Green
Master Bath:  Not really sure
Kitchen:  Red/Green and Farm Animals
Livingroom:  Horses  Duh!!!  ha!
Small Bedroom:  Spill over horse stuff probably
Main Bathroom:  Not sure really
Guest Room:  Americana

Will post picture hopefully as everything is being done.  Should be pretty fun.  I'm ready to get it going and get all packed up.  Having a newborn could make that more of a challenge.  But I love a good challenge!


Trust His Heart...

That phrase comes from a song my friend Tammy introduced me to.  I love it.  The chorus of the song is this...
God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

Being a part of the foster care system, I have to lean heavily on Jesus.  And there are a lot of times that I don't understand His plan for some of these kids.  But I just have to trust Him.  Let me tell you, that is easier said than done.  

Since my last post, "Big Brother" went home on a Thursday in July.  It was hard to see him go, but we didn't have long to be sad because the night before we got a call for another 2 year old boy and we will call him "Bug".  We only had him a week and he was able to be placed with some of his family.  We were happy for him, and I actually get to see him still every day.  So that's an extra treat.

We got a call in July to take a baby who was still at the hospital.  We will call him "Jonah".  His situation is more severe than anything we have ever dealt with.  We also have never had a "new" baby.  (Bless you moms of newborns!)  But Jesus has been with us every step of the way.  We have been lied to so much with this case and it is heart breaking.  Telling us that we will be able to adopt him, there won't be any visits with parents, no family wants him, etc.  Well all of those are lies.  I guess she needed a place for him on a Friday night.  So upsetting.  But we wouldn't trade our time with him for anything.  He is such a good baby.  I know that the "plan" is for him to be with family, but it doesn't hurt any less.  I have enjoyed having him and he is helping to fill that hole in my heart right now.  You see, right now I know of 14 people who are pregnant and I must say I'm a tad bitter about it.  But again, I don't see HIS plan, but I'm trusting Him.

There are days that I'm ready to throw the towel in and give up our foster care license.  But then I get that phone call about a baby, or a toddler that needs love and protection and I just can't say No!  But how many more times am I going to have to say goodbye before I can welcome one into my home forever!  Don't see HIS plan, but trusting Him.  Are you seeing a pattern here?  

If you are reading this post, prayers would be much appreciated.  We just want God's will for "Jonah".  Even if it means taking a piece of our hearts with him to a different home.  And please pray for "Jonah" specifically.  He is going to have a long road ahead of him.

Much Love,

Heavenly Father.  Thank you for "Jonah".  Thank you for giving him life and for keeping him safe through all of this mess.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of his life, even if it's for a short time.  We don't understand Your plan yet for him, but help us to keep trusting You and looking to You for the answers.  We want Your will done in his life Father.  Please help me to have patience during this time that You are finding the right child for me to be their "special" mommy.  Thank You for walking with us through these trials.  I love You Jesus!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This Thing Called Life

I don't know about ya'll but I could use a bit of a breather.  I can't believe we are halfway through May and that Boyd gets out of school in 1 week.  I thought things might slow down, but it's not looking that way!

We got a call last Thursday afternoon for a 2 year old boy and his 24 day old brother.  We said we would take them and that baby brother was just getting out of the hospital.  So I picked them up and they were SO cute.  Baby brother had some health issues and by Thursday night we were rushing him back to the hospital.  We are waiting on him to get better before he comes back to our house.  In the mean time, on Friday we headed to Oklahoma to surprise my mom for Mother's Day.  We got to their house about 9:00 p.m. and they were still gone.  My dad called me to let me know the ETA and so we sat in their living room in the dark and told Big Brother that when Granny walked in we were going to yell surprise.  As dad was unlocking the door, Big Brother yelled "Prise".  It was so cute.  We definitely surprised her.

Saturday we went yard selling.  It was a lot of fun and we needed some clothes for Big Brother so that worked out well.  Then we swung by the Christian Gift Store and picked out a song for Mother's Day.  My mom did it with me this year and I think it was really cute.

Saturday night mom and dad received a surprise... Ron and his family came walking in.  Love surprising the old people!!

We had a great time and Big Brother enjoyed showing off for the family.  Drove foster mommy crazy, but oh well.

Sunday we had a great service and I must say it was a lot of fun being able to stand up with dad asked all the moms to stand.  My heart overflowed with joy.  Thanks to Big Brother for making that possible this year.  It was very enjoyable to be able to attend church with my momma on Mother's Day.  She is such a blessing to me and I thank God for her and for our relationship that we have.  I'm very blessed.

After church all the restaurants were full, so we went back to mom and dad's and packed up to head home.  Ron and Sheila decided they were going to stay one more night.  Thankful they did!  (read ahead to find out why) We went from OK to Clara's that evening and took her out to eat for Mother's Day.  Big Brother had a great time and seemed to not get full.  He ate everything that was in sight.

On our way home I was visiting my friend Tammy when my brother kept calling me.  I had Boyd call him while I was visiting and he gave me the phone and he was trying to get a hold of me to tell me that Dad and Mom had just been T-Boned by a drunk driver and were on their way to the hospital by ambulance.  SCARY!!!

They hit right behind my dad's door.  He could see them coming and tried to speed up, thankfully he did that or else they would've hit him right in the driver side.  Anyway, dad's neck started swelling so they needed to get him checked out.  THANKFULLY there were no broken bones for either of them.  They both are just really banged up and bruised and sore from the impact.  The drunk driver and his passenger are both sitting in jail.  They tried to run after they hit mom and dad but were found shortly.  PUNKS!

Anyway, they are home and safe and that is just the way I like them.  Their suburban is totaled, but they are not and that is what's important.

I'm sorry, it seems like the past couple of blogs have been kind of depressing, but this if MY scrapbook/diary of things I want to remember.  Hopefully next time I blog I will have more pictures and happier things to write about!! ha!!

Cute things I want to remember that Big Brother said...

"Hey, where you husband at?" meaning Boyd
Me:  "Who's that"  Big Brother:  "You dad"  "You Mom"
One morning on the way to work he kept trying to tell me things and I couldn't understand him so he finally put up both hands and said, "Fordit It".
While feeding the animals one night I called him Buddy and he said "You can call me (insert name) if you want"
In the morning I hear, "KK, I waked up"
Another one of his favorite sayings is, "No I Yain't"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What A Week...Whew...

Mercy sakes!!  We got back from Easter weekend and were hoping to rest up a bit last week.  But apparently we weren't vocal with our idea, because it was crazy and emotional to say the least. 

Wednesday I got a call from Boyd, saying they were taking his mom by ambulance from the doctors office to the hospital.  They thought she was having a heart attack.  He was pretty frantic and so he came by my office and I drove us up there.  (Side Note:  Tammy, my driving fast came in handy that day!! ha!!!)  When we got there she was gray in color and was having a hard time breathing.  We stayed in the ER ALL day long.  Finally, they admitted her and she got to go to a room.  They scheduled her for all kinds of test.  So Boyd stayed the night with her on Wednesday night. 

Thursday I went to work and waited to hear what was going on with Clara, when my dad called and said that my Aunt Lora was very sick, on a ventilator, and not doing well at all.  I talked with my cousin who confirmed that they were going to take her off all the machines Thursday night or Friday.  Well, I had to go and see her before then, so off I went again!!  (Thankful for such a caring and wonderful boss and office manager).  Boyd met me at Cox and we headed to ICU to see her. I was not ready for what I saw.  I had told myself to be strong, but I just couldn't.  It was so sad.

Friday morning I talked with my Pastor's wife who told me that my Pastor's dad had just died that morning.  So I knew there were be services that we would need to attend.  Friday afternoon we headed back to the hospital to check on Clara and called to see if Aunt Lora was still alive, and she was.  They had not removed her from the machines yet.  Went out to eat with Ethel, Sharon, Stepf, and Quentin.  We went to Nakato's.  Boyd had never been to anything like that before, so that we pretty fun.  I was worried that he might need a Big Mac after we left that place, but he really enjoyed it.

Saturday we had a benefit we needed to attend here in Bradleyville.  We got word Saturday mid morning that Clara was diagnosed with Swine Flu (H1N1).  I realized I had never had my vaccine for that.  The doctor warned me that I needed to isolate myself from people who had cancer, babies, and older people for at least 72 hours.  So I did not get to attend the benefit Saturday.  I was disappointed.  We worked outside all day Saturday and got a lot of things accomplished.

Sunday, couldn't attend church because of swine flu germs that I might have.  So, knowing I couldn't go to my Pastor's dads visitation that night we went Sunday morning instead.  Figured I couldn't infect anyone there.  Came home and worked some more outside, came inside to watch movies and got a call from my father-in-law saying that our cow was hung in the fence.  Went outside, sure enough, "the grass is always greener on the other side", so we spent until dark, fixing fence. 

Monday, went to work for a second.  Let them know what was going on with the whole swine flu, they nicely told me to go back home until my 72 hours was up.  Went home and started working outside again.  Then came inside so I wouldn't make a bunch of racket while the funeral was going on across the street.  Bumming because I am missing the funeral and being there for my Pastor's family.  Went back outside in the afternoon and washed the windows.  Window breaks and takes a chunk out of my finger.  Probably need stitches, but can't find the chunk that's missing.  Go inside, bleeding all over the place.  Call it a day and wait for Boyd to get home.  When Boyd got home we headed for Ozark to visit his mom.  I went to Wal-Mart while he visited his mom.  I love my mother-in-law, but don't want the piggy flu that she has.  (She is home and feeling much better by the way).  We got home about 8:30 last night and barely got sat down and I received a call from my cousin letting me know that my Aunt Lora had passed away.  Knew it was coming, but still very sad.  Got into bed, just went to sleep, phone started ringing.  It was DFS with children who needed a placement.  We declined, I just can't handle a placement right now with all that is going on.

So needless to say, on the scales this Monday, +2 lbs.  I'm thankful it wasn't more than that.  You see I am an emotional eater.  And when I eat out, I don't always make healthy choices.  I cried for quite a while on Sunday night.  Just so disappointed in myself.  Number 10,999th failure.  The whole weekend I would say, well, I better eat this now, because Monday it's back to healthy foods.  Or, it won't matter that I've eaten half this large pizza, Monday I'll get back on track.  I'm so frustrated with myself.  I truly am addicted to food.  Last night I really had planned to go to Wendy's (even though I had already made and ate lasagna for supper) and then hide the evidence from Boyd.  How sad and pathetic is that.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!  It makes me so stinking mad!!  But I did NOT go to Wendy's.  I resisted, barely. 

Even after the week I have had I am happy to report that God is still on the Throne!!  He has been with me and my family every step of the way.  In my devotions I read last night there was a quote that said...

"God's promises are a lot like stars.  The darker the night, the brighter they shine."  LOVE THAT!!!

Expecting great things this week.

Love to All,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!! He is Risen!

We had a great time at Easter!  We actually got to head down to dad and mom's sooner than we had planned.  After a trip to the beauty shop on Thursday night (which was slightly traumatizing), we picked up Jessica and Ryan and headed to OK.  We didn't get to leave until 8:30 and got to Poteau about 12:30 a.m.  We were very thankful for the Lord's protection on they way down there.  I always dread traveling at night and being responsible for someone else children, but He was there with us every step of the way!!

We woke up Friday morning and we just stayed at dad and moms and waited for everyone else to come in.  Dad came up with some games for the kids to play.  This one below was fun.  It was a gun that he brought from Peru.  You blew into the end of it and a little sharp stick came out and so we all took turns popping balloons.  Even yours truly got in on the action and I'm proud to report I didn't hurt anyone and I actually popped a balloon.

On Saturday we got all the eggs prepared to hide. We hid 2.5 dozen of hard boiled eggs and 60 dozen filled plastic eggs.  We only had 8 kids hunting eggs so they each got to hunt almost 100 eggs a piece.  CRAZY!!!  We always hide that many though.  And it is so much fun.

Here we are waiting for the kids to arrive.  We always make them go to the park and play while we hide eggs.  It takes a while to hide that many. 

And here are the kids coming in.  

Trinity had to climb up on a ladder to find one of her eggs!

And here's Papa helping McKenna with all her eggs.  She didn't have time to get a new carton!

Saturday night we were all sitting in mom and dad's living room.  Talking and having a great time.  We were playing games that Grandma Murray had taught my mom and aunts.  They were so much fun.  We didn't need video games, board games, card games, etc.  We didn't have to be entertained by t.v.  We had a great time just being together and playing "old" games.  Then we sent the kids outside to play flash light tag and run some of their sugar high off.  The "adults" stayed inside and my aunt went to the keyboard and started playing every hymn she could think of.  We laughed, cried, reminisced, and cried some more.  It was such a great moment.  I couldn't help but think of my Grandma Murray in heaven.  I know she would've been so proud to have her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids singing about the TRUE reason behind Easter.  Don't get me wrong, she loved the Easter egg hunt just as much as the kids, but she made sure we always knew the true meaning of Easter.

Sunday morning I got up early, and Ron, Mom and I were the only ones up.  We were teasing mom about her useless potato peeler.  She said it was a great peeler and that she loved it.  Ron told her it was worthless and that it wouldn't cut anything.  So mom said that she could peel her potato with her peeler faster than Ron could with his peeler he liked.  So the race was on.

And the winner was RON!! ha!!  Mom about died!!!!!!  She couldn't believe that Ron beat her and her precious peeler!! Priceless!!

We had a wonderful Easter Service.  Jessica, McKenna, Ryan, Zach, Trinity, Sabrina, and Hunter got up at the beginning of the service and sang "He Knows My Name".  It was so sweet and KK was so proud of them.  They sound great together.  Then our whole family that was there (22 of us) got up and sang "Ten Thousand Angels" and the presence of the Lord was very overwhelming.  There were more tears.  Then Dad, Mom, Ron and I sang "Carried Away".  Dad had said that this church was kind of low key and they didn't get very excited.  Well, apparently they wanted to make my dad a liar because they were clapping and waving their hands and smiling.  Mom said you could have knocked her over with a feather, she was so shocked.  My dad then preached a wonderful messages about choices.  He said that the biggest choice he had made that day was what way to part his hair this morning.  Um.. yeah, my dad doesn't have any hair.  He's so silly.  But then he talked about making the choice to accept Christ as Personal Savior.  And talked about 
GRACE!  G-God's  R-Riches  A-At  C-Christ's  E-Expense.  It was a wonderful service.  

We got home and took some pictures.  Here's Ron's Family.

And here is Jessica and Ryan

And Boyd and I

And then 3 out of 4 of us kids.  Rob had to go back Saturday night.

Then we all got ready to head home.  Here is Trinity, Uncle Darrel (holding Mr. Quacker) and Papa.

And our ride home was a little noisier than coming down.  Boyd bought 2 ducks, and 10 chicks.  This is Sunshine the duck.

I hope you all had a very blessed Easter.  Thank you God for sending your Son to die on the cross for me.  During the times I feel alone and I am not sure that You are there, help me to remember that I am on Your mind, even when You were on the cross, I was on Your mind.

One last thing, I've been noticing a sign at a church that I drive by every day on my way to work.  I noticed last week that it said, Funeral for Jesus April 4th.  Then Sunday I noticed that in BIG red letter it said, CANCELED, HE'S ALIVE!!!   AMEN!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

And there go the twenties...

Well, I am officially out of my twenties.  I turned 30 years old today!  WOW!!  My friend Nathan told me that his 30th birthday really bothered him.  But these are just numbers and besides that, no matter how old I get, my husband will still be 20 years older than me! ha!!!  LOVE IT!!  

So I'm really just embracing today.  When I was younger I always figured that I would be married right out of high school and begin my family.  Boy did God have other plans.  I ended up not getting married until I was 27 and we are still waiting patiently, ok, no so patiently to start our family.  I know God has a plan and that HIS timing is perfect not mine.

The past 30 years have been awesome.  God has blessed me with such a wonderful family.  I'm so thankful to be so close to my parents, my brother's and their wives, and my nieces and nephews.  I have a wonderful extended family: aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I have awesome friends who are great and always there when I need them.  I now have a wonderful In-Love-Family since marrying Boyd.   

And last, but certainly not least.  I have an INCREDIBLE husband.  God truly did answer my prayer when He brought Boyd into my life.  He is so very sweet and so loving.  He always makes me feel special.  He was up at 3:00 this morning telling me Happy Birthday and up at 5:00 this morning fixing my birthday card.  And now he has called 3 times so far just to say Happy Birthday.  He's the best.  But my favorite part about him is that he loves Christ with all his heart.  


Also, to go along with the twenties, I'm happy to say I have now lost 22 lbs.  wootwoot!!  I've been doing this lifestyle change for 5 weeks now and it has been hard, but it feels so good. 


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Heart Sick!

I remember dreading my Senior year of high school, because we had another new Science Teacher.  YUCK!  I didn't like science and I sure didn't like the previous teachers we had.  And to top it all off, our science teacher was living in a camper on my Aunt's place.  Oh great!  Well my very first day, I got the call that I had a tumor and would need it removed and would be out of school until the middle of October.  WHAT!!  During that time off from school my science teacher was GREAT!  He helped me with my homework.  Sent messages to me encouraging me.  He was actually pretty cool and made science so much fun.  Even though he and I didn't agree on evolution vs. creation, we had great debates and finally agreed to disagree.  He even ended up being our Senior sponsor.  He helped us raise a lot of money so we could really enjoy our Senior trip.  While I was deciding what school I wanted to attend, SBU in Bolivar was really are my mind.  Mossman, my science teacher, was from Bolivar and his wife and kids lived there.  So he really encouraged me to consider it, especially since they would be close by and would help me when I needed them.  "It never hurts to have family close by", he said.  So school ended, went on a Senior trip and had a blast.  Came home, got ready to head off for college.  Saw a lot of Mr. Mossman and his family while in Bolivar.  Ate a lot of meals at their house.  Babysat their kids.  Played on a softball team with them.  Just enjoyed my time with them.  

Eventually Colin and his wife divorced and both remarried, but I still stayed in contact with them and the kids.  I kept updated on him and the kids by email.  And now the past several months I have enjoyed keeping up with him through Facebook.

This morning I got to work and pulled up facebook and my pastor that I had when I was in Bolivar left me a note saying that a Mr. Mossman had shot himself and that he thought I might know him.  I thought to myself, no, it can't be him.  I looked it up in the Bolivar paper and sure enough, it was him.  He and his new wife were getting divorced and he kidnapped her at gun point on Tuesday morning and made her get into her car and they drove to Bolivar where she then tried to escape and he shot at her.  She did get away and he continued on toward Stockton where police found him dead in her vehicle.  He talked to some of his friends on his phone but he would not tell them where he was.  This still feels like a nightmare.  What kind of war was he fighting inside his head?  

I was looking at his kids' facebook and noticed that he had taken pictures with them on Monday night and his facebook on Monday night stated that he loved his kids.  Did he know what was going to take place the next day?  Anyway, my heart is just breaking right now for his kids.  I can't imagine what must be going through their heads.  If you think about it, and are reading this, would you please say a prayer for Shelby and Gage.  Here is the last picture that they have with their dad.  

Love and prayers to Shelby and Gage!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

No, No, Your Eyes Are Not Deceiving You...

You thought I was gone forever right?  Nope, just too stinkin' impatient to wait on pictures to download.  And I'm really not interesting enough to blog without pictures! ha!!

Anyway, a lot has happened since I blogged last time, but that's all in the past now, and I can't remember much of it anyway.  

A friend of mine has been struggling to lose weight and so I though this would be a great time to be accountability partners with eachother.  So we started back on February 15.  I'm watching my calorie intake and working out 5 times a week.  I have done the whole "diet" thing more times than I care to admit, but this time (I've also heard myself say that) I'm changing my whole lifestyle.  It really has been easier this time around than the times before.  Don't get me wrong, there are times when I am in tears because I'm so hungry and have considered eating Boyd (kidding, he's too skinny anyway).  But I HAVE to do this.  I don't have a choice now.  


 I'm afraid to go on amusement park rides because I'm afraid they will ask me to get off because I'm too big;

I'm afraid to see some old "friends" I haven't seen in a while because I'm afraid what they might think; 

I'm afraid that I may be the cause of my husband and I not being able to have children because of my weight;

I'm afraid that if I don't get a grasp on my addiction to food that I will continue to be on a downward spiral to the grave.  (don't get me wrong, I long for Heaven, but I would rather go in the rapture, not because of something I could've prevented);

I'm afraid that my nieces and nephews will pattern after me and I want to be a better example to them.

Do you see the pattern?  I'M AFRAID.  My name is Kayla Combs and I have a food addiction and I'm afraid.  Who wants to live their life like that.  NOT me!

So, I'm going to use this blog as sort of an accountability for myself.  It's embarrassing that I've posted this picture of myself, but I'm not hiding the fact that I'm fat, so guess it shouldn't bother me.  So here it is...

This is me and my dad in January in Oklahoma.  My dad has always tried to encourage me to lose weight.  He sees how miserable my mom is and he does not want me to be going down the same path.  My mom had always told me since I was little, "please sis, you can wear my shoes, but please don't ever get big like me and wear my clothes".  But guess what, we wear the same size.  Way to obey your mom, Kayla!  Anyway, their support means the world to me.  When I've tried "diets" before, I've gone to visit my parents and my dad has mapped out a place for me to walk and usually walks with me.  And when I call my mom on Mondays (my weigh in day), she always ask how I did and tells me she's proud of me.

I'm doing this for myself first and foremost.  I need to do it.  But I also want my husband to see a different me.  A happier me who feels beautiful.  Even though he tells me, I haven't felt beautiful in a long time.  I want to do this for my parents.  My mom especially because she has just recently been told that because of some of her health issues, she is going to have to stay on a medication and she's not going to be able to lose any weight.  She will have to fight hard to not gain weight.  So, just because it's too late for her does not mean it's too late for me.

And I cannot accomplish any of this without the help of my friends and family, but most important, without the help of my Lord and Savior.  In order to stay on the straight and narrow path to a new life style, I need to keep the path between my Savior and I clear of debris that might get in my way!

Ok, I've written a book now.  I have so far lost 10 lbs.  I will try to keep this blog updated often and keep track of my weight loss.  I'm excited about this journey.

And I will try to put up some pic blogs once in a while too.  When I have like 2 years to wait on them to upload!


Philippians 4:13 (King James Version)

 13I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.