Tuesday, March 17, 2009

32 down, a lot more to go

As of today I have lost 32 lbs (128 sticks of butter). I'm so excited. I like to go to the store and pick up a 20 lb bag of dog food and feel how heavy that is and think that I've been carrying that weight around for a long time. I have a lot more to go, but I'm just taking it one day at a time. I've tried diets before and have lost up to 55 lbs before, but that diet was just because I wanted to. Now, this time I have to because I will die if I don't. And let me tell you that gives it a whole new meaning. I've always struggled with my weight ever since I was a girl. I've been the biggest one in my class height and weight. I'm up and down the scale all the time, and I really needed someone to kick me in gear on my weight loss this time. Well, I was kicked into gear on January 7th when my doctor told me I was diabetic. I had been pre-diabetic for a while, but to actually hear that you are diabetic. Well, it's an experience. So now when I'm really craving a certain food, I make the choice, do I want to continue to eat that and die or find something different and live a longer life. Um, let's see, LIVE! Now don't get me wrong, I still mess up but I get right back on the band wagon or sometimes if I feel really guilty for what I just put in my mouth I'll exercise more. The key is exercising. I will sometimes use my walk away the pounds video for exercise, go outside and walk a mile, stay inside and power walk and jog for 15 minutes, etc. Then I stretch really good and do 100 crunches and 20 leg lifts where I lay down put my lets together and lift them up and then down without letting them touch the floor and hold it there for 10 seconds then back up. Feel the burn! This weekend I did buy a Biggest Loser DVD and I'm excited about it, but the weather has been too nice to stay in and exercise, but sounds like Wednesday I may need to work out inside.
The first picture above is a couple of days after I started my "lifestyle change". The picture below is one that I took this morning. I can finally start to tell a difference in myself now, so that's exciting for me to see. I've got a long way, but with the Lord's help and with the help of my husband, I can "Get er done"!


  1. Wow! There's such a difference even since I've been down to your house. It's unbeleivable! You are an inspiration. You go, Girl!

  2. Yeah, I thought I could tell a difference, but that's something I don't really like to ask about....I have been wrong before, and that's worse than not asking! You are doing awesome! I know you'll succeed! No, wait, you have already succeeded!
    Love Ya!

  3. I'm very impressed. You've motivated me. You look great.
