Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Blogger

Well, this is my first blog and I have no idea what I'm doing. I hope to learn more as I go along, so bare with me.

Today my niece Trinity had some tests done and she was a real trooper. The won't know any results of the tests until they meet with the Urologist on Tuesday. Hopefully they will find out what's going on with her and give her something to make her feel better. She's been such a sick little girl.

Tomorrow I have to go and have a CT scan done of my head. I had one done in August of 2007 and I told everyone that Boyd made me do it before he would marry me. Just to be sure I had a brain! ha! Anyway, I'm sure nothing is wrong but having headaches for 8 weeks is a long time. I did get my hair cut off and that has seemed to help. We shall see.

My husband Boyd is in full swing with peewee Basketball. It's so fun to watch the kids play. I get cracked up with Boyd because he is so into it. And has somewhat of a temper. He likes to throw his clipboard down on the floor when he gets mad and it really makes a loud crack! Too funny!!! He has the kids fooled, but now his book keeper! ha!

Well, I better close for now. I'll let you know as I get in results from all these tests.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I love it, it is really an addiction. I wish I would've had your address to send you our christmas card, I guess there is always next year! I've been praying for you, and will just keep at it! Best wishes!
