Thursday, February 19, 2009

Go Eagles!!!

Saturday Jessica went and helped Uncle Boyd do the feeding and I, well, I was just plain lazy that morning. Anyway, we then got ready to go to the Bradleyville Homecoming at 2:00 p.m. We had a great time. It's always so much fun seeing our friends and family there. Rob, Carrie, Ryan, & Caleb came to the game and so it was fun sitting with them. Caleb has turned into KK's buddy. I'm anxious to have him next week for about 4 days. I should have lots to tell you next week!! ha!!

Hannah Howie was crowned Homecoming Queen and she was beautiful!!

After the game we headed to Ozark to spend some time with Boyd's mom and to get our Valentine's day stuff from her. She fixed a delicious supper for us and we also had entertainment from Quentin, our great nephew. He is so cute, and not to brag or anything, but he's KK's buddy too. He wanted "unka Boy" to go home and for KK to stay. Oh, yeah!! I don't even spoil him and he still likes me, NOT!

We were beat after we ate and didn't make our Wal-Mart trip. We headed straight home. Oh, well. I'm pretty sure Wal-Mart can do without our money for one week!

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