Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm Still Alive....

Can you believe it?  I'm actually doing a blog post.  I wasn't even sure if I could remember my log in information but I managed to figure it out.

The Lord is doing so many wonderful things in my life right now and I just wanted to jot it down so I can remember it.  The Lord is answering so many prayers.  We have 2 babies, well they are 16 months and 18 months, that have been with us most of their lives.  The 18 month old we picked up from the hospital.  Anyway, their cases have such an emotional rollercoaster ride.  We were told we'd get to adopt them, then things would happen and we were told we'd have to give them up.  It's been like this the entire time we've had them.  Let me tell you, this takes a toll on you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I was looking through my CD's the other day that I sing at church.  As I was reading the titles of the ones I bought during the last year, I chuckled to myself.  Let me give you some of the titles... Even in the Valley-God is Good, The Anchor Holds, Trust His Heart, Through the Fire, He Understands My Tears, etc.  And let me tell you, I'm so thankful that the Lord used these songs to help me through the difficult time.

Last year I was really struggling with what was or wasn't taking place.  So in February I decided to really get serious with my relationship with the Lord and put all my trust and hope in Him.  I also decided to pray and fast.  I have done it before and I don't know why I didn't do it sooner, but my heart wasn't where it needed to be.  I decided to give up pop and let me tell you that was a perfect because even now, a year later I think of it.  So it's a perfect reminder for me to pray.  During the past year, I would cling to several verses.  The first one is my best friend Tammy's verse, Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  What a promise!!  The next one I have repeated over and over again.  Even when I was single.  Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  WOW!

I wish I would have written the ups and downs of the past year on paper.  What a testimony to God's faithfulness it would be to my babies when they are old enough to understand.  One of the days that was so hard was on July 12th.  We were in court waiting for the termination of parental rights to take place on our baby boy.  The mother and her attorney were fighting tooth and nail and making them out to seem like roses.  And across town my dad was in surgery for Prostate Cancer and here I sit, not with him, trying to keep my emotions at bay.  Right.  I think Boyd's hand was a little numb from me squeezing it.  We had to wait until September for the Judge to make a decision.  He did go ahead and terminate the parents rights and we firgured the mom would appeal the decision which would put off our adoption another year at least.  But God had another plan!!!!!  She did NOT appeal the decision.

And now, on February 9th, we will go to the same court room where so much heartache took place, and we will adopt our little boy.  Jonah Boyd Lee Combs will forever be the son of Boyd and Kayla Combs.  The Lord has given us such a miracle.

Then on the next day, we will go to court and take another step forward in getting to adopt our little girl.  God is so good! 

So now what are the songs I sing?...  Life is great and getting better, Over and over God is faithful, Mornings Coming, To God Be the Glory, etc.  :)  And my favorite verse is... 
"For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:  Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD;  as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD.  And he worshipped the LORD there."  1 Samuel 1:27-28
